I can build you a blog. Having a blog is an inexpensive way to share information such as sales, special events, products and services with your customers fast and easy!
Blogs are interactive and your customers can sign up to get updates as they are posted. That special customer sale can be posted and it automatically goes to your customer via email when they sign up to receive your blog updates.
The best news is there are no monthly fees for hosting your blog. Blogs are inexpensive and easy to manage. I can set you up with one for as little as $99.
Blogging is just a click away!
Perhaps you don’t have or need a full size website. Websites and hosting can be very expensive. I can train you and/or one of your employees to maintain it or I can do it for you for as little as $25 per month. You don't have to leave your business, just email me the information you need updated.
If you have an existing website blogs are a great addition. Ask me how your website can target market specific customers to advertise your products and services.
A blog is perfect for any size or type or size of business. Please call 407-272-7797 or email me at focusyourbiz@gmail.com to discuss blogging. Or you can blog me!
You can also have your business website or blogsite added to our Focus Favored Businesses section. You can add your business to this great networking opportunity for only $120 per year. It's a great inexpensive way to get your name out into the market place.
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